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Sunday, September 30, 2012
Green Tomato Pie Filling
Today I made a fresh batch of kombucha, as I do most every week. I canned six quarts of green tomato "pie filling," along with a bonus enjoy-it-now pint. It tastes as good as it looks. Better, really! I made a variation on this recipe, and I'm delighted with the results. I see this as something much more than just pie filling!
As I peeled and cored the apples, I nestled the "waste" into a hallf-gallon jar to which I added sugar water, 1/2-cup of sugar to each quart of water, topped it with muslin, and cozied it up in a quiet kitchen corner to begin its fermentation process. In several weeks I should have some nice homemade apple cider vinegar to bottle up and age. The Boy sorted and prepped beans for cooking, for blanching and for the dog. I thought about starting a fermented tomatillo salsa verde, but opted to make a soup for dinner, using up brines from enjoyed ferments.
I still have tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, beans, cabbage, turnip, beets and more garden abundance to contend with … all activities that distract me from consistent blogging, and I can Live with that.
That's what I made today. Peace.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Joy d'œufs
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned that The Boy was building us a chicken coop. Well, he did, and this past weekend we visited some dear friends and came home with four hens.
I love observing them as they wander around our little acre. I love gathering the eggs and creating meals and dishes with them. I love watching them meander back to the coop as dusk closes in and the light starts to fade. I love living simply, in as close a rhythm to Nature as I can muster.
With that, I have four pounds of beans waiting to be blanched for the deep freeze.