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Monday, January 25, 2016

Fresh Perspectives, Old and New, Reborn and Transformed

Blogging, it seems of late, has taken a backseat to the other forms of social media. Is it just me, or do you find this too? In any event, I'm still making daily. I'm making manifest my conscious dreams, and some less-than-conscious dreams are making themselves known to me. And that's exciting.
I've been throwing paint and these recent "backgrounds" may end up being finished pieces. But then again, they may not. All the same, these two recent canvases in their current state have offered me a fresh awareness of, and heightened appreciation for their visually raw, organic nature. I'm quite certain this newborn perspective is born of a collaborative project that I'm working on - more on that another time.
And my bins of fabric from my quilting days (some 30 years ago) have found their way to the coffee table for evening finger-spinning. Many of the these fabric scraps were gifted to me by my mom and Aunt Mary, and many others are the remains of my piecing-n-quilting days. And the cordage they're transforming into is precious.

That's what I made. And am making.


Friday, January 1, 2016

A New Year Blessing

Root yourSelf in the infinite possibilities... sprout, grow and blossom boldly as you dance and sway to the rhythms of this fresh measure of linear time.

And then... then... cascade your seeds with Wyld abandon!
