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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Preparations for Restoration and Renewal

If you know me at all, you know how full my summers can be... filled to overflow with gathering, harvesting, preserving and making all manner of holistic Wellness to nourish and sustain mySelf and others over the coming months. And then some.

I've been harvesting herbs to make tinctures, infused oils, vinegars and other crafts (like my Botanical Spirit Wands), and revisiting some old brewing skills as well.

I've been teaching classes and facilitating workshops as much as time and space allows. And throwing a little paint into journals and onto canvases too.

I've been enJOYing the mounting abundance that keeps me frantic in my doings, knowing that these doings afford me deep, complex and holistic rest in the months ahead, not to mention many dollars "saved." And then some. 

And I do make moments for stillness in and with Nature... to witness and observe the Wisdom within and without.

And speaking of Wisdom, I'm taking a bit of a break - of sorts - in the days ahead as I head north with a dear friend and Syster of the Green, along with her daughter, to attend The 29th Annual New England Women's Herbal Conference, where we will meet up with others Systers of like mind and heart. We will celebrate reunions and make new friends, we will learn and share, restore and renew and bring home much to share with others. And with our Selves.

So for today, I make final preparations for this healing time of restoration and renewal that takes me away from my little acre, with last minute harvests to manage, coaching for The Spouse, for packing, and for glorious anticipation.

With that: Catch ya on the flip side.
