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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Truth Standing

This intentional, focused Truth Standing that I spoke of in my last post, The Journey to Elemental Truths, is proving to be most challenging, indeed.

Truth Standing, as I'm lovingly calling this practice of being true to mySelf, first and foremost, and consistently acting on those Truths in my daily life, is simple when we're solitary. It's when we interact with our tribe, passively or actively, that flies buzz around the healing ointment of Truth Standing.

What I'm learning, again and with growing clarity, is that there's more than one way to shoo the flies from the ointment in order to maintain the solidly rooted and erect posture needed for Truth Standing integrity, even in harsh environments.

Winter's Daucus carota, the wild carrot better known as Queen Anne's Lace has reminded me of the roots and posture as well as the noble seeds which are protected within the structure of Truth Standing... when we're True to it.

So I'll be speaking more Truth, more clearly, more often in the coming days, and taking actions to keep it rooted through the challenges, to stand tall in it, and carry my seeds forward into the mystery of the future. The future of my dreams.

Dream it. Do it. Make it manifest.


Friday, January 13, 2017

The Journey to Elemental Truths

Standing in our Truth and speaking it is vital to our healthy evolution.
It creates fertile ground for sinking our roots.
It enables us to conceive, consider, craft and convey with comfort.
It inspires us to reach and act on our passions.
It nourishes, hydrates and bathes our spirit.
It holds us true to who we are and to our purpose.

And yet it is a challenge, make no mistake, even when we've been at it for some time. I've grown comfortable in expressing my Truth, though it wasn't always easy. In fact, it was hard. Still is sometimes. First I had to explore the shadows and light of mySelf to be certain of my own honesty. Then I had to begin sharing... with my mother, which was, quite possibly, my greatest life challenge, and most important one, and one in which I had twenty years of sustained and stormy practice. I feel I've evolved to a place where speaking my Truth is simply something I do... yet, at times, it's not without continued challenge and more - still more - growing pains.

Nonetheless, I feel I've grown to be quite comfortable with the practice, the journey.

Folks who know me best, know that when I feel someone has crossed a line, I address it, swiftly, candidly, face-to-face (whenever possible) with as much compassion as I can muster. In all but the rarest occasions the results are positive, with interpersonal opportunities that blossom as a result. Yet there are those cases where Truth (mine or theirs) is simply not welcome, not ripe. And in these instances I step back, remaining as open as possible, yet creating space. Sometimes, plenty of it. Know what I mean?

Then there's those other moments, where I speak my Truth, as clearly, candidly and concisely as I can and I'm simply not heard... and I can grasp that. It's the ripe thing again. It's those other moments where what is heard is not what I conveyed. Not. Even. Close. These are the challenges that most perplex me, and its the flavor of challenge that I'm sinking deep into now. May the journey be kind to me and teach me what I need to Know, that my roots may sink ever deeper, that the clouds may pass to reveal the Light I seek.


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Studio Play

Today is a studio day, which means both apothecary play and paint play. But first, I'll have to finish tidying up from Thursday evening's Renal System class. Once the ol' workbench is cleared I can tend to some measuring and packaging for clients, and continue some tweaks and taste testing for a couple beverage blends with which I've been toying.

I have several finished Nature inspired collage pieces to make ready to hang, and available to potential buyers. And I'm looking forward to adding another layer or two to add to this canvas. 

I'm sure to be adding to this large canvas as well, continuing to work with peace amid chaos... in a tangible, colorful, meditative way. As we all should be. Right?
