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Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Lusty Month of #NoMowMay


The lusty month of #NoMowMay welcomes you. 

Historically, the holy days of May Day/Beltaine have been highly social for me. They involved group camping, lots of hugs, food and beverage sharing, drumming, dancing, fire, joy, passion, and - for some - ceremony 'n' stories of meaning 'n' value. While I've not engaged that verve for a while now, I miss facets of those days, and at this time/in this season I am mightily grateful for my solitary nature as COVID cases are on the rise again, not "just" in far-off places, or even within my own region 'r state, but right in my own little town. And yet I see folx "returning to normal" (an opportunity lost), gathering in sizable groups in spaces open 'n' oh-so-foolishly closed, so many unmasked, unprotected 'n' unprotecting, with the concept of distancing clearly an abandoned practice for many. I see so much selfishness. I see too little communal guardianship. I see memories that shall - for now - stay rooted as memories of Medicine. Past, present and future. 

That said, I am grateful for my little patch earthly paradise, where - during the holy days of May Day - I shall gladly commune with the compassionate and intelligent beings of Nature. I shall hug the trees, embrace all my rooted kin, share nourishment 'n' sustenance with them, with the mundane (of the earth), as well as with the elemental beings that choose to join us. I shall drum, dance, express joy, and engage ceremony 'n' stories of meaning 'n' value with Nona Gaia, all her kin, with the chickens and my spouse. And I will count my blessings, with care, and cast them to the directions to go where they are most needed. And as the these days twixt spring 'n' summer return to earthly days (also holy), I will focus on tangible ways that I might share my blessings in and with my community as the moon waxes and the wheel of the year continues its sacred pirouette. 

I pray that you might join me. Not for yourself, but for others. And - while I have your attention - join so many around the globe in #NoMowMay. And if you feel you must mow, consider a mechanical mower, and/or a scythe - we use both. Consider the earth and all her kin. This month and forever onward. Not for you. For our holistic 'n' collective future. For our beloved Nona Gaia. In the name of all that is sacred 'n' holy, may we kick the fossil fuel addiction. ::nods::

Peace. ðŸ•Š