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Sunday, October 16, 2022

Giant Golden Amaranth

Our first half cup of giant golden amaranth is ready for the pantry shelves.

This is one stalk worth, and we have several more stalks hanging in the garage.

There’s garlic out there, too, that needs be cut 'n' sorted for planting 'n' keeping.  Not to mention the tomatoes in various stages of ripeness ’n’ unripeness taking up residence on our dining table.

There’s still much to tend before we tuck ourselves in for the winter. And park in the garage. And eat at the table. And there's still time to do it.



Saturday, October 1, 2022

October Peace

October enters my world with a signature chill 'n' damp... a day to stay indoors, out of the gardens, to tend to that which has been harvested. I'll honor the first day of this month by tying the corn to hang, a practice that adds seasonal decoration to our little home, as well as grain to grind when we crave polenta, cornbread, and the like. I'll check on the winter squashes that are curing in the greenhouse, to see if any are ready to join their family in the cellar. There are jars of dried food and Medicine to label and place on their respective shelves. I'll warm the house by making Scarpaccia and more zucchini-oatmeal cookies. 

In the breaking light of this October morning I view the gardens, still full of harvests to be made in the coming days as I keep watch on the forecasts for that first day of urgent gathering. I see beds to be tidied, garlic and shallots to be planted... seeds to drop... and the eventual rest that comes with this month.

I see the quiet, introspective, shadow work that October offers... the reflective 'n' projective work that prepares me for the new year at Samhain, and for the darkest days of the seasonal spiral that delivers us to winter, and for the eventual rest that I, and Nona Gaia, have earned. Together.
