Get to Know me ...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bowl, Blend, Pillow and . . .

My friends Jes and Bruce visited yesterday and very generously brought over some awesome one-gallon jugs and a bag of plastic bags! The jugs all have t be cleaned and I'm waiting for a warm day to manage that outdoors. As for the plastic bags, I finished my camp-bowl last night. I like it and I have more "yarn" in the making and more bags, still, to cut and work. But it's pretty cool, eh? A bowl made out of plastic bags . . .

. . . and made this little pillow with more of that old fabric . . .

Next . . . Three gallons of elderberry wine to bottle! Then to sleep, perchance to dream . . . to dream of more creations . . .


  1. elderberry wine!! dream pillows!!! fruit bowls made from plastic bags, if not plastic fruit! you are one amazingly prodigiously busy lady!

  2. Well, thank you. You're too kind. And sweet.

    And one more time (in truer time): Happy Birthday!


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