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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Free Hopes & Dreams

The day began with another one-gallon batch of ale. This time, a sarsaparilla blend that I suspect already I'll be repeating. I needed to tag my brews, so in honor of tax day and the good that might brew from such a convoluted government effort, I cut up the "first class" envelope in which the CPA returned the bureaucratic remnants that must be retained for seven years. First class brew labels and a nice little upcycling effort. In any event, there are three gallons of cranberry wine, three separate gallons of various ales and a five gallon batch of a porter variation all bubbling away, effortlessly, carefree, first class and tax free.

I strung the prayer flags that I made yesterday and hung them on the deck wall in the bright sunshine.

Then . . . I created a tribute to a favored saying.
A saying I would love to hear make a comeback.

Then, the day came full circle, so to speak, in more ways than might be immediately obvious. 2006, a fine year for rhubarb. Nothing taxing about that!

The evening topped off with a sweet little bat that somehow got in the house. We gently captured it in a towel and with equal gentleness and a prayer set it free in the cool night air of spring's hopes and dreams.


1 comment:

  1. Ummm it looks like you make such yummy creations! I just posted the same saying on my blog last week in my post called "reduce reuse recycle" Guess we were on a similar wave length. yea.


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