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Monday, June 9, 2008

A Light in the Darkness

Today I made a simple candle lantern from a jelly jar ready for the recycling bin, some copper wire, an old bead and a few crystals.

I was inspired Saturday, at HerbFest, when I saw similar items displayed at Shooting Star Gallery. They were lovely. The items triggered a memory of making like objects at some point in the past. So ... I made one again.


  1. I really like this lantern! The pic looks like... soft, warm light.

  2. Thank you kittyism! It was the mood that I was after. I may embellish this a bit more today if I manage to work in the time-n-space. If so, I'll likely post a daytime pic. Thanks for stopping by! Happy creations!

  3. Reminds me of our camping lights, in fact I wrote about one in my first book. The gallon jars turn out to be almost completely windproof.

    They don't fair as well in the rain however ;)


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