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Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Way to a Little Piece of Paradise

On this, the last full day of solar spring, I head a little north and a little west and make my way to a little patch of paradise I often call the 100-acre wood.

I wander the meadows and forest edges. I pick wild things to simmer and sip. I soak a grateful body under an open sky as I admire the sun slip into the western treeline. I get to be the Gauguin girl that I am.

I made my way to to a special place in my heart.

That's what I made today.


  1. ahh...alas - I have no acre to roam - so I colored a beautiful sun on my on my 3 foot patio with sidewalk chalk - I envy your beautiful acre! See you on Sunday! :)

  2. Ahh...sounds great. I spent my afternoon wandering in the field next to the house. I listened to wild things speak while I admired how the field seemed to celebrate the sun with it myriad of perfect yellow flowers.

    Blessed Be,

  3. ummm, sounds like a perfect day, and a perfect way to say farewell to spring.

    Thank you for your appreciation~


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