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Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Way There & Back Again

I made my way to Pickle Palooza at the Coventry Farmers' Market today. I made my home again, though barely, it seems. I had very drowsy eyes on the way home. 

It was a grand time, with great vendors, produce, plants, yarns, pickles, pies, crafts, herbs, music, lectures and demonstrations. Coventry knows how to do a special farmers' market - make no mistake!

But I was glad to get home. I unpacked, put things away, then grabbed my book and headed to the deck where I promptly dozed off in the afternoon sun. I woke refreshed, picked some nice lettuce from the garden and made a huge salad for supper. Then I tended to the garden again.

I visited that Etsy place, did a little promotion, and checked on the new shop in the family . . . Open Air Painting by Rick Derwitsch (AKA: The Boy). There you can see, enjoy and purchase beautiful works of art, like this:
With that, I'm off to make more time to rest, relax, recharge and renew! 


  1. The paintings are so lovely! And now Rose it is my turn to grant you a web-award!

  2. Pickle Palooza? That sounds right up my alley. I love pickles and farmer's markets - these are a few of my favorite things!

  3. Pickle Palooza was fun! The Coventry Farmers' Market organizers really know how to bring a market to life!

    And yes, the boy paints beautifully. He's been showing in galleries in and around CT for some 30-years now and the Etsy outlet is VERY empowering!

    And yikes! Another award! Thanks Nici . . . :)

  4. These painting are so lovely!

  5. Your work is amazing! Thanks so much for sharing your link in the Etsy threads. I added you to my favorites on my blog. Hope that's ok with you!



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