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Sunday, July 20, 2008

This & That & A Realization

In clearing the freezer for this year's impending harvests I discovered 10+ pounds of blueberries from last season. There is a story there. One involving a lost mead-making "bible" and grand reluctance on my part to act without it. I realize now that loosing that resource has given me a new lease on brewing mead, wine and ales . . . for now I do it much as I cook - from a place innate knowing, place of pure intuition. So today, I thawed those blueberries with about 5 pounds of rhubarb . . . I brewed some strong tea, simmered two banana and squeezed the juice of one lime, measured our sugar and water . . . and thus began a new batch of wine.
Sprouting garlic went into a blend of infused vinegars to make a super-infused vinegar (and to use up last year's batches). Already it smells divine.
And I played with a bit of collage and watercolor which manifested in these sweet silly creations.
That's just a bit of what I made today.


  1. yummmmmy wine! I havnt made wine in forever, I hope to again tho

  2. Sounds delicious. I only just recently tasted mead for the first time.

  3. Sounds great..It is so rewarding to make your own things..I will be working on rasp. jam the next few days..

  4. Brewing is one of my many passions, be it mead, wine or ale. Mead certainly is delicious thought - oddly enough - I have never brewed a straight honey mead!

    DIY - in any form - is empowering!


  5. The photos of what you make are really wonderful.

    That wine is lovely, and sounds delicious.

    I cleared out the huckleberries in my freezer yesterday to make a friend a birthday cake. Yum


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