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Friday, August 29, 2008

Tulips TeeTotes

I was poking around one of my Etsy communities and well, let's just say, "stumbled" onto this listing from TulipsTreasureBox
I immediately fell in love with these tote bags, so bright and cheerful and fun! Now, I've been upcycling for a long time, far-far longer than the name "upcycling" has existed, so these certainly held a special appeal to me. I love taking old things that have worn out their intended use and breathing new life into them . . . and that's exactly what TulipsTreasureBox is doing here.

See? Shameless promotion isn't always just for me. Enjoy!


  1. wow - she has some amazing jewelry as well...the t-shirt thing is very clever - hate wearing regular t-shirts - yet always have this weird "need"/compulsion to buy one when I go to a concert, new city etc...thanks!

  2. Thank you for the very nice compliments. Happy, happy you found me!



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