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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Plans, Discoveries and . . .

Every calendula flower was gathered today. There's plenty more buds and I may get a few more, but these flowers are all now either dried or infusing in oil or alcohol. Between these peppers gathered today, and the ones harvested last night, it looks like I'll be pickling tomorrow. There's just a couple more Asian long beans that were out of my reach, and I have these saved for Halley, the dog. She loves beans!

I discovered this beauty hiding, face down, behind the beans and tomatoes. 

I paused to wonder why beauty so often hides her face like that . . . 


  1. Beautiful?? I am waiting on about 6 more blooms on my Calendula. I hope they make it before they freeze. I am chatting them up and Reiki-ing them everytime I walk by. Toms are all still green *sniff* I shall be starting things off earlier next season. Now that I know I am capable of keeping them alive and living thru a little dirt under my nails >wink<

  2. Unfortunately, I have black thumb, but I love seeing other people's gardening successes! These are very pretty!

  3. gorgeous photos! makes me want to go outside and check on all my plants! :)

  4. Beautiful photos, once again!

  5. The flowers are gorgeous! I wish I had flowers :(

  6. Oh, your calendulas did so very well this year! I'm gearing up to get one more cutting off of my herbs before they're done for the year, then making room in my pantry to bring the perennial pots in.

  7. so, so pretty!! what a rainbow your freezer must be! :)


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