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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This -n- That (II)

Rain kept the boy home today, so we treated ourselves to a very late breakfast at the diner, and followed up with "city errands." These activities filled a good part of the day. Even so, I did a little painting, a lot of paper work,  made a large pan of homemade baked macaroni and cheese, and roasted some dandelion roots.

That's what I ... made today!


  1. Roasted Dandelion roots? What do they taste like?

  2. sounds like the wonderfully productive day i was expecting to have! (pout) i'm glad it was good for one of us :))))))!!!!!

  3. ohh interesting...........curious what they taste like? just add a bit of salt and butter? ;) isn't dandelion good for....your liver?

  4. Ryan & Michele - I roast them til they're dry - or mostly dry. I finish drying in the dehydrator if needed.

    Then I grind the roots as I am ready to use them - as a beverage, much like tea or coffee! Many folk who enjoy coffee also enjoy a roasted dandelion infusion.

    It's FAR more palatable, IMO, than the straight-up dried root.

    I love it! It's good AND good for you!


  5. I have been drinking dandelion root for ages. I buy mine though. Silly really considering I am always pulling dandelions out of the garden. Can you use any old dandelion root?

    Give me a heads up when you have finished your black gesso pages. I would love to see what you end up with.

  6. That sounds wonderful! I'd love to try it sometime!

  7. I have to say that a late breakfast in a diner on a rainy day sounds absolutely dreamy. I love to watch the rain outside and listen to diner sounds inside. Sip coffee and eat something to rich and fattening. Yea, sounds mighty fine...


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