Get to Know me ...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dreams ...

I did things today.

I did three focused tarot card readings for myself. I recorded voice and sound and now have a footing in that new realm. I finished the new hand-drawn labels for my energetic fragrance sprays and polished the verbiage that accompanies them. I tidied my dispensary and then commenced to mess it up again. I walked the dog. I enjoyed the brisk October air.

I stirred the Cauldron of Dreaming and Doing.


  1. i dreamt of eating oranges last night.. so this afternoon in hte supermarket i figured i'd better buy some. i cant wait to see you. are you free thursday or friday after this?

  2. Sounds like a great day:) Thank you for stopping by and commenting today:)

  3. Sounds wonderful and as though you got so much done. Three readings is a big deal!

  4. A good day, all around:)


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