Get to Know me ...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

green peace

Today I made peace with my limitations.

You see, my lower back has been having a very heated conversation with me in a language I'm yet unable to fully understand. Granted, the attempt to convey only started last night and a dose of modest herbs and some reiki enabled me to create a position suitable for mostly-restful sleep. Even so, this morning the old girl was still mad as hell about something.

I did my best to sooth her in the morning hours with gentle yoga stretches, a very hot ritual healing shower, more herbs, and more reiki. These efforts helped me get through my Pamper class with minimal discomfort and for this I am grateful.

I was blessed with the opportunity to give reiki ... and any reiki practitioner knows that when you give, you also receive. I felt pretty good too! Until I tried to do ... something, I can't even remember what ... and the old girl roared. And I shared some fierce words with her as well!

At last, I thought, we're coming to common ground, a place where we can begin to create relationship and understand one another. "Not until you relax" I heard, and swiftly all my plans for the afternoon shifted. 

"Relax?" I replied. "Relax? You want Relax? OK, you'll get Relax!" So out came the big-green-guns in synergistic combinations and while my lower back is still quietly growling, I AM relaxing and making peace with what feels like limitations in the moment ... but what I know will be something of value when I emerge from this forced and heavily-(heavenly?)-green-medicated abyss.
In the meantime ... I dream of the warm, the loving, the healing and green memories of summer ... 


  1. Hope the reiki is helping you now! Your pamper retreat sounds interesting!

  2. sending you some love and distance healing ... not to mention lots and lots of happy thoughts.. take good care!!! is there anything you need (or would like) to get off your back? :)

  3. Umm - what is reiki?? never heard of it...

  4. Thank you for sharing your time, tea, wisdom and smile with us today. I had a great time. I have missed you. I am sorry that you had to suffer throught the Pampering workshop. Just for today..lay down...sip some tea and listen to your back >wink<

  5. I understand and sympathize! My back talks to me often too and I have to be mindful of my limitations. Your body is wise and knows how to take care of itself if you just listen.

  6. if I remember my louise hay correctly, lower back is often related to $...but in whatever case I shall too send you some good reiki juju!

  7. Thank you all. ((hugs))

    LoveCreations - reiki is a holistic, hands-on technique of channeling universal life-force to heal ourselves and others.

    Laura ... the message seems to be "*old* anger," which is consistent with Louise Hay ... it's not something I saw coming and it's not something I'm eager to meet ... yet, the time is seemingly ripe. Damn it. :)

  8. hope your back is soon back in order...
    --equivoque (elinor)

  9. I hope you took away from your class that you deserve to relax and heal. I hope the old girl is better soon. I loved the class. Thanks!

  10. You need to treat yourself to a good massage therapist - I'm lucky to have one next door - here's hoping one walks down your path soon!

  11. tarabu - an LMT for a next door neighbor would be simply divine!

  12. ugh. Lower back pain is no fun. I do not envy you this battle with the old girl. I send you strong thoughtwaves to wash her out from under your muscles so that you can dip and whirl like a youthful fairy.

  13. Oh, to "... whirl like a youthful fairy ..." sound simplu divine!


  14. Sorry to hear about your back pain; hope you are feeling better:)
    These photographs are lovely!

  15. I totally understand your conversations with your back. I have conversations like this every day with my body in general and with my muscles specifically.

    I hope "the old girl" is being kind to you and isn't screaming at you any more.


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