Get to Know me ...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Mess

I spent most of my day in my dispensary ...
This is what it looked like when a started ...

I don't dare show you what it looks like now! 

I have a lot of work ahead of me tomorrow.


  1. Did you at least get something made?

  2. If you need help tackling anything let me know..I love to alphabetize and sort. Well not my things but enjoy >wink<

  3. What is that you dispense? Is it essential oils? I see alot of little bottles.

  4. Giftbearer ... part of who I am is herbalist, and most of what you see are herbal tinctures ... though there are also oils, capsules, flower essences and other assorted goodies. My dry plant matter is in another room.

    And for the record ... I teach folks how to make these things for themselves. That's a passion of mine.

    You can learn more about me at Walk in the Woods

  5. i think a little messing around every now and then is good for the soul ;).

  6. To me, sweet friend, your dispensary feels like I've come home. Like I've walked into your little hut to find the medicine woman I knew before and all those sacred jars and bottles are healing me by just looking at them. I would never even notice any 'mess'!! :)

  7. What a wonderful space! And you can't be 100% productive every day! You wouldn't be human then. I have to say that I'm envious of your rows of neat labelled bottles...

  8. ah, a little mess is just what is needed sometimes - helps motivate us and induce needed change
    and the satisfaction when it is all done will be worth the growing pains/mess

  9. You have an interesting dispensary.
    Don't worry about the mess.

  10. Your space looks creative and inviting. I'm sure when your thick in the flow of creating it sparkles with fantastic energy.


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