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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Few Things

I made a few things today, including a royal mess involving beautiful organic coconut oil, but we won't get into that. Let's just say that my newly painted walls will get a second washing tomorrow, and that I'm so very grateful for my sense of humor - and even more grateful for The Boy's sense of humor. 

To ground and center myself after the chaotic coconut drama, I did a little more drawing on that peace doodle and I spun a new little page saver. 

I still have some labels to design for my portion of Granny Annie's Super-Awesome Give-away! Check it out ... Time's a ticking ... you could be a LUCKY winner!


  1. ooooh the mind boggles it does, it does... a royal MESS... coconut oil (organic no less) and The Boy... walls requiring a second washing.. oh my oh my oh my! thanks for the plug!!!! see you tomorrow!!! xox... annie

  2. hmm wonder what happened... i'm sure it's one of things that has to be caught on camera and sent to those America's home funniest shows or something... o and pretty page holder. =D

  3. Stay sweet! :)
    Love is in the air.

  4. ooo - what a beautiful gift for a Valentine sweetheart - sorry I missed this one! hmmm - the coconut story sounds truely interesting *laughs*

  5. all you can do is laugh sometimes

  6. That page safer looks very beautiful and I have already read the next post and have seen that the coconut oil drama had a happy ending ; )


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