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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Vial of Poison

Today I wake before daybreak, a delightfully odd consequence to retiring early. My first cup of coffee is consumed before the first glimmers of twilight. I love this time of day, for it is when I share deep intimacies and elemental journeys with my goddess of the crossroads … it is when I can jump with ease the hedges and skirt the realms and return with snippets of value. Today I return with a snippet that I might have preferred left behind. Yet, I asked for it. And so it goes. 

My query brought me to a realm that I rarely visit (consciously, anyway). It is a realm that is frequented by a few of my sweetest friends. It is a realm of our loved ones who have passed from “this” life. My query? In essence, I asked about "my family's" relationship to me and my laughing auntie gave me one very unexpected word: Poison.

As a healer I Know, without doubt or question, that the gap between medicine and poison is very often a fine, fine line. Likewise, I Understand that the gap may be a chasm.

In this moment I feel that both are right and true. And so they must be.

So today I create a vial of “poison” for my altar, upon which I pray for the wisdom to recognize the fine line, and strength and courage to leap the chasm.

Blessed Be.


  1. such wonderful insight... reminds of my dream about my grandmother ... how she told me she was there not to prevent me from reaching the goal, but to help me perfect my shot... sweet travels in the dark realm to you, dear friend!

  2. Wow, what a journey. I loved reading about it.

  3. and at some point we all must work with the poison - enjoy the journey


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