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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Completions, Connections, Decisions

I still have loose ends hanging, but today I made some "good" things happen. I made a couple of decisions, made a couple friends, and have some new seeds planted in my garden of life. More on that another day. I don't want to bore you ... too much.

Remember those frames I was working on? Well, I completed a few. This one is re-fashioned from a damaged antique frame. I left it pretty rustic, and only painted gold to the high-points. I put one of my favored collage ACEOs in it and it now hangs on my living room wall.
Nice, eh?

The others I listed in my Etsy Shop. Take a peek and let me know what you think!


  1. oh... that's really pretty!! i love it!

  2. I like the frames - it really adds something. O also like the new background color for spring.

  3. Thank you sweet friends! And Kim ... the color is only a part of the *transition* of balance ... dark to light ... since your post, it has changed!

  4. I just got a pair of the most gorgeous atcs from stephg - I'll be getting a frame soon!


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