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Monday, March 23, 2009

Purchases & New Starts

I really don't like to shop and when I do it's rarely for new items. You'll often hear me say that Goodwill is my favored boutique, and many gifts that I don't make myself are most often purchased at local thrift shops. But today I made some new purchases for little pieces of technology. I got a headset/mic for my new radio show, In the Garden, which is making its debut this Thursday at 11:3o AM on Blockhead Radio. I also picked up a firewire for an old video camera, and searched for a new tripod. Oh, so many dreams, so many plans, so much to do! I went to our recycling center (AKA the dump) too and purchased a little kerosene lamp, two pilsner glasses and a couple frames to refurbish at their tag sale shack - all for $3.oo - dig it! The last stop was at our local feed-n-garden shop, for some pepper seeds.

When I got home I started a flat of four varieties of pepper plants. It's a little late, but still timely enough, methinks. 
And today the little tomatoes outgrew their plastic cover.
And I made time for the first neighborhood walk of spring with The Boy and sweet Halley.

That's what I made today.


  1. That's a creatively busy day! I can't wait for my first tomatoes...I could live on tomato sandwiches alone:)

  2. It's 26 here today, still a little cold to garden. But we have our heat lamp set up in the garage, and peppers, broccoli and onions are getting ready!

    I can't wait for warm weather and digging in the dirt!

  3. Your tomato friends look so happy!!
    p.s. remember those fairy flower seeds i was looking for when you were here? the man put them in the fridge...he thinks it's better b/c it fools them into thinking it's not time to bloom yet... :)

  4. I love your blog and sounds like you had an awesome shopping day! I love shopping at the thrift store. I find many items that are still brand new.

    I am experimenting this year with just throwing some tomato seeds in the ground. It's working since I have some little sprouts. Of course I live along the Gulf coast where winters are very mild. The ground is warm enough and we never even got one real freeze this past winter. My cucumbers are coming up like crazy. I did transplant some tomato plants that my fil gave me. I can't wait to plant my watermelon and cantaloupe next month!

  5. Precious little plant friends!
    We only have space for one little potted tomato this year, and one little potted pepper, but we're glad to have them.
    Walks with dogs and boys are the best. ;-p

  6. Oh I so love treasure hunting thru thrift stores!!Isn't is so much fun? I can't do much of the gardening anymore due to my disablity but thankfully my hubby does a great job.He even planted me a beautiful lilac bush last year, which I can't wait til it blooms again. I so love lilacs..oh and again wishing you great success on your new show!!I too just got some new techno stuff and am now busy learning how to edit video..yikes..LOL


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