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Friday, March 27, 2009

Things from Shiny Objects

My friend Sherrie dropped by today. I love the drop by. Folks rarely do it anymore. Anyway ... she brought me a garbage bag full of ... cast-aways. Shiny cast-aways! I may have the story wrong, I was so blinded by the treasure, but I think she said that a friend asked her to deliver this bag to the thrift shop--or something. In any event, she thought of her trash-loving friend (bless her heart) and brought the bag to me.
Look what was inside! So ... I got busy spinning ... under another shiny object - the sun of a glorious spring day!

So ... Sherrie, if you're readin' ... pick out a couple of these Spirit Cords for you and your friend! If nothing else, it will give you an excuse to drop by again! Ashe. Ashe. Ashe.


  1. What a bag full of goodies! I love the colors you put in those Spirit Cords!

  2. wow, what a surprise! The spirit cords have fabulous colors.

  3. i love the spiritual cords!!! they are so colorful ... they make me happy :)) and what fab cast-aways :) i wish i had friends who would bring me little treasures like that too :))

  4. Just catching up on a week's worth of what you've done. I'm sure the radio show went great. What a treasurer a bag full of goodies. THe colors in the spirit chords are awesome.

  5. wow - what a fantastic surprise! Can't wait to see all the things you create with your new found "cast aways" :)

  6. Hooray for huge bags of yarn!
    I think the "drop by" is a lost art that deserves to be revived...surprises are what make life interesting in between what's planned!

  7. I would love to be surprised like that. I love the Spirit Cords! :)

  8. i love what you did with these, i am a huge knitter with a room full of yarn..i am gonna do something similar with cowrie shells and make hair

  9. YESSSS! that's the greatest find ever. I know the euphoria. I have HEAPS of yarn! yarn yarn yarn

    you have to check these out.

  10. oh wow you're so lucdky! they're so colourful and fun

  11. as if I need an excuse to want to drop by and soak up some of your wonderful nature and energy!!! We will have to sit with what ever lovely colors are there when I next come and see what chooses me!!


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