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Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Turnip Discovery

The Boy cleaned the garage up today (bless his heart) and he found a few of my little garden bins in which a couple had some vegetation remaining from last autumn. I took them outdoors and dumped them into the compost, and as I did I perceived a weight and gravity that was unexpected. At closer inspection, two perfectly preserved turnips revealed themselves! Looks like I'll be adding them to our boiled dinner later this week.

I had a video too - of my little green-eating canine-Halley-girl nibbling the sprouting greens - but blogger takes way too long to upload. 


  1. I learned to love turnips when I discovered it was one of the few salt tolerant vegetable I could grow on my ranch. It got to where my mouth would water a little during the winter when I thought about planning my garden. I adore turnips now, what a great find>

  2. I think this is the first post I have read from you that has made my mouth clamp shut.

    I cannot bear turnip roots.

    The greens, on the other hand - steamed with onions and my grandfather's whole-pepper vinegar sauce - that is heaven in a soup plate.

  3. How cool is that? Finding lost and perfect turnips!

  4. that's awesome I love eating raw turnips... kind of weird but yeah... hope you enjoy them. =D

  5. What a wonderful discovery! I love turnips too...OK, I'll confess. I love ALL veggies! How can you not??

  6. What a cool discovery. Enjoy.

  7. Mmm...turnips! LOve them simple...boiled and salted, or mashed like a potato...yum!


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