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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April Goodness

Fresh, homemade kielbasa (purchased, I didn't make it), cooked with lots of onions, carrots, new red potatoes, some red pepper, and some heady homebrew is what I'm making for supper this fine mid-April evening. Bon appetite!


  1. ...the picture is making my tummy grumble!

  2. Oh, that looks and sounds delicious! What is your homebrew? It looks quite strong... :-) Silke

  3. Thanks both of you ~ It was delicious!

    And Silke - the homebrew is a hoppy Porter variation (heavens forbid I use a recipe more than once!). It is a dark, though not (real) heavy brew that is beautifully heady, with great fragrance and very nice bitters. Mmmm.

  4. I just drooled into my keyboard... I hope it still works :P

  5. mmmm...Now my mouth is watering...excuse me while I wipe up the drool from my computer.


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