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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Time to Spin

Man oh man. What a fantabulous day. Ya know? Today has been the kind of day that has a little bit of everything in it, from extreme to extreme and everything in between. The energy of the day itself has been decidedly vibrant with wind and sun and cloud, warmth and chill. It's no wonder I feel super-charged ... and the day's not over yet. Once back indoors, cheeks ruddy and hair a-tangle, my Spirit Cord spinning frenzy returned and the seed of an idea is planted. I'm not certain, but I suspect that it will sprout at Forest Folk.

With that, I have a screwdriver to sip, lamb chops and new red potatoes to prepare and a hot soak under the stars to look forward to. Ashe. Ashe.


  1. yum yum yum... what a delicious day indeed :).

  2. ...sounds like you had a wonderful day! Looking forward to seeing your idea at FF :)

  3. ahhhh, I was right there with you...

  4. Your glowing energy really shows through in this post, days like that really are wonderful!
    Your spirit cords are a fun little craft, neat idea. The forest folk gathering looks interesting, I attended one that sounds the same in many ways, and it was a fun and unique experience.
    Keep glowing with vibrant energy!

  5. Thank you all for your sweet comments. I really do appreciate them, you know! :)


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