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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Kitchen Love

I harvested, planted and transplanted ...
I enjoyed nettles, minus the sting - yummmm ...
I started beans for their pre-cook fermentation ...
I baked two more loaves of bread, this time whole wheat cranberry bread for my Forest Folk week ... 

I roasted a chicken with potatoes to serve with those cooked greens (above), simmered carrots and a nice escarole salad.

That's what I made today. 


  1. do you get past the sting of the nettles? I have it here and I'm afraid of the stuff. How do you cook it?

    The bread looks delish! I'm drooling. :)

  2. That all looks delicious! Do you use a recipe for the bread? It looks amazing!! As does the roast chicken and the greens! :) Silke

  3. very nice! what time is dinner? lol

  4. your breads always turn out PERFECT!!! hmmm...

  5. You are making me hungry. Wonderful shots.

  6. Rustic Diva, when simmering the nettles, the sting simply goes away. They we amazingly delicious, BTW, I cooked mine today with garlic.

    Silke, I don't use recipes for my breads. For me it is about process and engaging my senses and not about formula. I'm quite certain it was when I gave up the recipe-following that my bread-making improved by leaps and bounds!

    Sorry Carey - you missed it! LOL

    And luthien, thank you. They do tend to come out pretty nice! :D

    Thanks reading!

  7. always looks so good!

  8. You've been tagged please check it out.

    Get Creative!!!


  9. Looks like some delicious kitchen endeavours there!

    I love nettles too. And as a newcomer to bread-baking I'm always interested to see what goodies others come up with.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog, because I'm very happy to have found your wonderful blog as a result.

  10. Oh it all looks wonderful. I love that you do not use recipes with your bread. I'm not quite there yet... still need a little guidance. Your blog is so lovely. I am thrilled to have come to it and most cetainly will return. Thank you for visiting mine earlier. xx

  11. docwitch and Sara ... I think we have LadySilverOak to thank for facilitating our connections! :)

  12. Wow - you were busy!! I couldn't bake a loaf of bread if my life depended on it - can bake really good bricks though! LOL

  13. LOL Audrey! I can say that - from similar comments that I've received here - you are in good company! :D


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