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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Mess & A Dent

Tired of seeing brewing images? Yeah? Too bad. Because I'm in the throes of a brewing frenzy, having way too much fun trying "new" old herbal "recipes" and other spirited experiments. And so it is that such messes are made ...
... the Sage Ale that I started yesterday turned vivaciously active overnight and I awoke to a mess on the brew table, though was reminded of the value of the trays that I use! I had to remove the airlock, clean it well and then just covered the carboy with a glass bowl for most of the day to keep it relatively safe from invaders while it worked out its fits ...

... not before loosing a good 8-10 ounces of the nectar. Such is life, eh? Of course, I tasted it and can tell that I'm gonna like it. The airlock is back on now and I hope that the yeasties find their rightful balance in the realm of this wise and lively brew!

Aside from making this mess (well, the yeasties did it, but I was working in collusion with them), I made a respectable dent in "paper" work of several sorts. Oh, this included the routine bills, but also bookkeeping, filing, perusing files and binders to purge that which no longer adds value. And even though this dent is but a (never-ending) beginning, one which will be attacked again tomorrow, it felt GOOD.

That's what I made. And for now, I will enjoy a nice bowl of simple homemade chicken soup (to celebrate the 1st of July???), and invest some time adding layers to my Figures of Love, and watching "Death at a Funeral." Caio!


  1. lively and yummy looking! Someone had a busy day!

  2. Sounds like a very productive day! And homemade chicken soup! Yummy!

    I have given you a Lemonade award! Stop by when you ahve a minute to learn more!

  3. Wow, how amazing you are! I am in awe of your many talents and I hope your newest brews turn out wonderfully well (and yay for contained messes!).

  4. Wow, *sage ale* - what a concept!! Clearly I need to get into this blog and read up on what you are doing!! Great job there and great blogging too. I'll be back! Have a great day - Bonnie

  5. death at a funeral was a great movie!

    what an exciting brew! is it made with sugar or honey? (or neither?!) i am looking forward to making elderberry mead this year, a first for me...i've made dandelion mead in the past. yum!

  6. Thanks all! ('bout time, eh?)

    Tansy - this particular sage ale is made with brown sugar.


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