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Sunday, August 30, 2009

... And the Day Before And ...

What I've been making ... well, the infused calendula oil is making nice progress. I plan to make another batch of soap with - at least - some portion of it, for it is delightful! The gardens should dry up enough to harvest more flowers this afternoon.
I've also been infusing vinegars. I have several in the works, more to get started and jars of various varieties lining up nicely on the shelves.
I fermented some red beans and cooked them up yesterday with organic bay leaf, peppercorn and astragalus root and made a delectable batch of red beans and rice for supper last night.
I've been working on more of my latest "Impressions of Nature" ACEOs, playing with layers of Nature, words and paints. You can see more works in progress on Facebook if you like.
I've mentioned the chipmunks that have taken residence in my gardens and while they are cute they torment my Halley and can be a nuisance. So I made a little magic and called on the spirit of Fox and Hawk - whoever was available - to share a mutual benefit from the natural spirals of life. Well, it's a crappy photo taken through screen and window, but Hawk showed up, on the high post in a central spot in my vegetable garden. Dig it.


  1. I love your nature ACEO and the hawk in your garden. How cool!

    Thanks for posting on my Sunday Blog Blast thread!

  2. Awesome picture of the hawk...they are so regal. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I am loving that pic of the hawk in the sunflower garden! We have one near our mailboxes that startled me the other day swooping down after something...what an amazing bird!

  4. Hi :)
    I love the sound of your soap made from the calendula oil.. took a peek at your cards too.. they're cool. And Hawk turning up in your garen after asking for an appearance is amazing! x

  5. A hawk in your garden - how cool is that?!!

  6. Chive and garlic vinegar sounds so yummy! What kind of vinegar did you use?

    And that have been some powerful hawk mojo! It's a beauty!

  7. Wow have you been busy! I love your Chive and garlic vinegar sounds wonderful!

  8. Just for the record, it's *garlic chive* vinegar, made with garlic chives, AKA Chinese leeks - to me has a mild, buttery garlic flavor - really nice.

    And I use apple cider vinegar (AKA: ACV), preferably a living variety - like Braggs. Yum!

  9. Great ACEO and updates. And the hawk is Something else. Is that your spirit guide.

  10. Your creations look amazing! And the hawk is wonderful! Have you thought to make a barn owl box? They eat lots of rodents.

  11. What a great idea Julia! I've already found plans for a barn owl box and plan to have one for next season!


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