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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Healing Blends & Harmonies

Yesterday dandelion was offered to a medicine bowl. This morning a pouch of "unknown" contents was added. It was a hops. A second mystery pouch was piled on. It contained sunflower petals and cedar tips. Then I reached for a flower essence and my hand returned with dandelion - not only do sense a theme, but this is an essence I often describe as premier in supporting healthy release of emotion from the body.

The next morning blend engaged garlic and brown sugar as I set off to adapt a recipe that caught my eye in the latest issue of Food & Wine. This was followed by curry powder, lime juice and fish oil. This odd - yet deliciously harmonic blend - has been macerating with cabbage all day and will join our pork dinner as a side dish.
The past three consecutive days have offered me a request for a tarot card reading, a follow-up to a custom tea blend, and a combined tea-n-tarot proposition. I pay attention to threes and so I've acted on one today, and will do the same with the others over the two days that lie ahead of me. I will also give extra attention to tarot and tea in my daily life.

Yesterday I foolishly acted on a prayer made from a place of frustration and today Spirit delivers an undeniable response - not in a form of my making - but in ... hers. I am grateful, so grateful, that I recognize it.
It has been a productive day of managing inventories, of continuing-n-completing started-tasks-n-acts, of cleaning, purging and organizing. A day of inviting harmony where dissonance once rang. Ashe. Ashe. Ashe.


  1. Wow ... that cabbage salad looked yummy. If it turns out well I would love the recipe. I have fish sauce in the cupboard I can use. I have a Vietnamese aunt who makes the wonderful cabbage and chicken salad which is what yours reminded me of ... come to think about it I may need to make some soon!

  2. Recipe? Well ... this is what I did:

    In a mortar I pounded a clove of garlic into a tablespoon of brown sugar, then added to that a teaspoon of red curry powder. I then stirred in 2 tablespoons of fresh lime juice and 2 tablespoons of asian fish sauce (I might use 1 T the next time).

    I mixed this into a couple cups of shredded cabbage and let it sit at room temp for a few hours.

    It was really good! I might try it with the mayo the recipe called for next time, as well as the cilantro and mint!!

  3. Ooh .. that does sound good. In my aunt's cabbage salad she walks outside to her herb garden and pulls up a variety of herbs, cilantro, mint, spearmint, chives, and a few others I can't remember gives them a rough chop and on top of the salad they go!

    Once I get moved I will try the salad ... and eat it all since the hubby doesn't like cilantro or fish sauce ... muhahahahahah ...


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