Get to Know me ...

Monday, August 24, 2009

My Way Into the Garden & Out Again

I made my way into gardens today for a little clean-up and a little harvest.
Today's modest harvest included a few crookneck squash hiding at the bottom of the basket that I'll cook up tomorrow. The zephyr squash and green onion were all grilled for supper and a few tomatoes made the green salad extra special.
The first horseradish roots were dug and cleaned ...
... and will soon be macerating in a nice jar of apple cider vinegar.
I enjoyed the work, the bending, the sweating and the sunshine before I made my way out of the garden.
And my reward was a nice cold hibiscus tea in a fancy glass.


  1. yum!!! what a lovely garden you have!!!! it makes me feel all warm and summery just looking at it! :)

  2. love your pictures and what a beautiful garden!

  3. How blessed you are to work so hard and have such rich rewards! I hope you have many, many more wonderful days in your garden like this one :)

  4. Your garden is so refreshing, just like the hibiscus tea and so tranquil. I love visiting.

  5. Reading about your garden makes me long for my own even more ... I hope we are in a place that next season we can have our own garden to get all sweaty in, to linger in, weed in, bend in, stretch in & all out enjoy !! I so very much miss having a yard.

  6. I love the look of your tea!! I have been drinking some great ice tea lately which I have made in two gallon batches. Refreshing and yum!!!

    That horseradish must be strong I am guessing.

  7. oh how very pleasing this post! and i do think i should make some hibiscus tea now too!

  8. Thanks for all your kind comments and I hope that many of you will try some chilled hibiscus tea! Lightly sweetened (I used honey) and kids will thing its ... you know ... that OTHER horrid stuff they think they love!


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