Get to Know me ...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nose to Toe Love

Today I kissed my dog on her booboo nose. But I do that every day. But remember? The chicken coop nose injury? It's healing nicely. It was toenail clipping day and her one little curly nail got over-clipped, only a little, but she was overstimulating it with her medicine tongue so a little extra love was needed.
She's such a good patient. I love her so much.
And I made the time to list my four latest works of love.
That's what I made today.


  1. Your doggie friend is so adorable. I wish I could kiss her on her boo boo nose too!

    My first dog that recently passed had this little spot on his nose, from a fight with his little brother. But ever after that he had a light colored spot. And I loved it. :)

  2. Poor puppy! She looks like a sweetie.

  3. Halley says "Woof! Woof! Woof!"

    Which, in case you don't speak caninese means, "Hey! I'm feeling great! It's the Love you know!"


  4. cute cards... and what a sweet face!

  5. Beautiful works of love and of course, beautiful puppy!! :)

  6. She's an adorable pup, I see why you love her so.

  7. how wonderful to see what you made - love them! I never knew about kissing a doggy nose until i got Henry several weeks ago; he's my sweetie dog, for sure!
    take care!

  8. Beautiful cards and adorable pup!

  9. Fantastic cards and a virtual kiss on your most lovely doggie friend.

  10. I have been reading your last two weeks of blog entries and it is so nice to catch up. We are way over due for a face to face and with the kids heading back to school next week I must call and arrange that. Miss you!

  11. Poor baby! She has such a precious face...I'd kiss her everyday, too. Hope she's all better soon...

  12. Such a sweet dog. I kiss my dog every day. I hope she feels better.


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