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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Farewells to September

October eve was cloudy, crisp and breezy, and I celebrated by making a little order from the assorted chaos of my world, by digging and roasting dandelion roots, by grilling steak and sweet potatoes for supper and getting my October Netflix queue in order for the assorted classic, campy and creepy movies that I reserve for the month of my birth. The Boy and I enjoyed our supper while watching a preview ... George Romero's 1968 horror classic, Night of the Living Dead. An awesome kick-off to an awesome month!

And hey, be sure to check out Mrs. B's Confession of a Pagan Soccer Mom every day in October because you won't want to miss a single day of Mrs. B's 31 days of Halloween! An entire month of contests, crafts, recipes and more - don't miss a single day! Besides, you never now when my item will come up in the give-aways. ;)

And hey-hey, join more October fun ~ Join the Domestic Witch: October Blog Party!

I love October!


  1. I didn't know you could roast dandelion roots... is it edible o_o?

  2. I love that movies! Sounds like a fantastic evening! :)

  3. I love october! It's my hubby's b-day month too! Ha, never knew you could eat dandelion roots - wonder what they taste like?


  4. To clarify ~ I roast the dandelion roots to dry them, preserve them, and then grind them and simmer them to make a delicious and nutritious hot beverage.

    Like roasted chicory root, some folks refer to it - quite foolishly IMO - as a "coffee substitute." Obviously *those* folks Are Not coffee drinkers.


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