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Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Own Flow

I’ve been so busy these past few days. Rather than bore you with all that I’ve been up to I will focus on the present (such as it is) and share with you my dreams, doings and makings just for today ... my day that (as they say) lies ahead.

Today I have some cords to spin for some very special folks ... so while my floss and yarns are out I will re-make order by tidying the anal retentive color sorting that supports me in manifesting my Spirit Cords and Spirit Chokers. Hey - true support - in every aspect of life - is (at the very least) a two way street.

Today I am making time to rest and renew. I feel I deserve it. I feel I have earned it. So once my cords are spun and floss and yarn in order I will roam my little acre a bit, then cuddle up on my little sofa with my blanket and a pot of hot tea, my crocheting and art journal (and probably this puter) within reach, and football on the idiot box. I can feel a nap in there somewhere too.

This afternoon when The Boy comes home from work, it will be our friday (he has tomorrow off) so this will be our chill time to share ... with some nice ale ... good food ... time outdoors ... perhaps around the fire ... with some drumming ... and lots of love. You see, this is why I’m posting early today, so that my time with my Self and later with my sweetie may simply flow without interruption.

So as I often say, as I dream my life, “As it is, so shall it be." So ... that’s what I made today.


  1. I love that photo... it just looks so serene.... enjoy your Sunday

  2. Oh, I hope you get to have a fire! I love having bonfires and fireplaces full of dancing flames! It makes it feel so merry and snuggly!

  3. Sounds like you have a lovely day in store! Relax and enjoy :)

  4. sounds like a wonderful day. wishing you all that you dream~

    me, I've been taking photos of ice crystals, yep -4F this morning and my ponds are frozen! Made a pot of autumn soup for ladies that arrive later. I feel a walk, cleaning my wee cabin and some editing in my day.

    thank you for your lovely spirit cords. It will be grand fun to add pendants to them. I was thinking they are perfect winter chains... you know - NOT cold like a metal one.

  5. The photo is stunning and very tranquil. I hope that the rest of your day is as the photo depicts.


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