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Friday, November 13, 2009

A Dispensary Day

Today was a Dispensary day. I made several balms for winter skin care from the oils I had infused this summer. I blended a fresh batch of wood cleaner-n-conditioner and actually polished some furniture. I pulled out my recipes for creams which I'll review and revise for a batch I plan to whip up in the next few days.

I'm facilitating an Essential Oil Basics workshop tomorrow and so made a final review of my notes, pulled together my demo items, browsed through some of my books, made copies of the handouts, all the while sipping tea - cup after cup after cup ...

That's what I made today.


  1. That sounds fantastic...and so productive too. You've got a good thing going. I felted a test mitten today and I'm on my third pair of fingerless gloves...and counting. Grateful for this day.

  2. Busy and productive - must feel good.

  3. You had a very productive day!

  4. Yes, this day was busy, productive *and* fun ... not to mention filled with Love!


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