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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kitchen & Fiber Magic

Today I made bread, pasta sauce, chicken soup. I jarred up the sauerkraut that is ready for cold storage. I pickled some cauliflower. I strained the calendula oil, not without incident, but we don't need to go there. I got some beans soaking so they may ferment over the next couple days. And I finished these two little crocheted bags and have a pale green one in the works.

That's what I made today.


  1. what a lovely serendiptiously splendiferous day :)

  2. You've had a very productive day. I like you peace heart in your previous post.

    Sunny Sunday #5 - Paper Sol

  3. Wow, all that. The bags are adorable. Enjoy!

  4. Wow, I'm impressed. I just love people who do things like this in today's world. It sounds so beautiful and down home!

  5. You had quite a busy day there. So much accomplished! Those crocheted bags are really nice.

    Should I be intimidated by all this? ;-)

    thanks for stopping by today

  6. homemade saurkraut... oh my how I love it....

  7. Thanks everyone ... and ya know - I can't seem to stop making these! I wonder what I'm up to?!? :D

  8. Your bags are very pretty. My grandmother tried to teach me to crochet and I couldn't grasp it at the time (I was a little girl at the time). I wish I had learned that skill from her!

    Have a great day!

  9. Holy cow, you are one productive woman! Send some of what your drinking over my way ... :)

  10. you mention putting the sauerkraut in cold storage ...the recipe I got says it can only be put in the fridge for a week. Hmm...

  11. Herbs 'n' Chocolate ~ something is askew in your recipe. Traditional kraut was made to be kept - without refrigeration.

    Here, check out what the good Sandor Katz (AKA: Sandorkraut) as to offer:

    Best wishes & best health!

    And thanks EVERYONE ~ I *love* your comments!


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!