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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time for Winter Welcoming

I invite you to block off *at least* a few hours in these next few days to unplug - no computer, no TV, no video games. Rather, light a fire, be it candle, fireplace or bonfire ... and simply BE in the darkness of winter ... alone or with family and loved ones. You'll be glad you did - even if you don't Know why.

Winter blessings. Peace.


  1. I like that candle idea -- I keep a candle burning in the fireplace during keeps me company!!!

  2. A great idea. I might try it on New Years day, unclutter my life and a good start for 2010.

    By the way, you won my Blog give away, Congratulations x

  3. ODP - a candle can be such delightful company, can't it?

    Jasmine - Oh my, oh my! I'm so excited!! :D

  4. I've got my candles burning now and thinking of you. I love you photo! It will be a wonderful evening in front of the fireplace with my husband, oldest daughter Jessica, and the kittens. Lots of love, food and joy. Have a great holiday season filled with joy, laughter and love.


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