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Monday, January 4, 2010

Nurturing Choices

As I sit here at this keyboard, not-so-random thoughts melding into words that might resemble some semblance of coherence, all can hear is the voice of Garrison Keillor purring in my head, "Well, it has been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon ..."

And it has.

I've done my best to leverage this quieting time that follows the unnatural frenzy of the so-called holiday season. I've invested a good deal of concentrated energy sitting with "things," plotting, planning and plotting and planning some more. It's a fitting time to stew such stuff, this winter moment of (comparative) respite - complete with a mercury retrograde no less. I have ideas now I want to kick around with some folks. I have input to solicit from others. And all this serves to nurture the seeds that I chose and planted in Autumn. Seeds that will sprout as springtime approaches.

My journal has called to me each day and I am pleased to heed the call, to follow the nudge, to make a mess, to play, to create, to express. Another nurturing choice.

I sat outdoors this afternoon in the cold January sunshine as my mind and heart wandered on the gusty breezes and pondered the choices that I make in this life of mine. Not everyone sees the value in my choices, and that's OK, because they're mine and only I can fully sense, acknowledge, honor and act on them with any real meaning. Likewise, when I witness the puzzling choices of others I remember that they're theirs.



  1. Well said. Hear to making choices..esp. the ones that make others ponder and

  2. it's my goal in life to always keep them stewing & pondering! ;)

  3. Somehow I just *know* that those seeds will sprout... and become a wonderful Harvest!

    Love & Light, my friend! :-)

  4. Choices are the universe's most wonderful gifts!

  5. Ah, that we can make our own choices - what a gift. To allow others to make their own choices takes practice.

  6. And thank you all for choosing to gift me with your comments!

  7. It's hard when others dont understand but it also takes sufficient strength to go your own way. I know that feeling. I rather have come to like it too. :)


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!