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Friday, January 29, 2010

A Request

Early this morning I learned that a very dear friend - a spirit syster - was in an auto accident yesterday. I spoke briefly with her son, also a dear friend, and gathered that she is damaged, yet OK, and being cared for inpatient. I wait now for an update and am simply anxious to get the "Go" to call and visit her. Funny how this news unraveled me.

I enjoyed a lovely breakfast with a lovely friend, another spirit-syster. We - the three of us - met in an Energy Healing class ten years ago. I tended to errands, returned home, put the groceries away, took the dog out and - finally - was able to sit, light a candle, burn a pinch of sage, and quiet myself. I surprised myself with tears as I asked all my guides and guardians to be with my friend, to assist her in her healing and to carry all the love, light and holy medicine that I could channel to her to do with as she will.

As it is, so shall it be. Ashe. Peace.


  1. I have the son of my dear friend & a girl friend who are also in need of healing energy. I will add your spirit sister to the list in these coming days.

  2. aloha my syster, sending blessing of aloha for your and our syster. Healing love from Mu, breezes to sooth, waters to quench, earth to absorb, and fire to cleanse. Mama's love to hold her close, for all of those who feel her pain. And aumakua to stand watch.

    Malama Pono


  3. Herbs 'n' Chocolate- and visa versa. Blessings.

    Thank you Pk - it means so much ...

  4. I hope she will be well soon.

  5. My thoughts and blessings for healing go to your friend and her family and faith and love to you. Smiles

  6. ~many thoughts and healing blessings for her...may she be wrapped up in the hands of many and be soothed and freed from pain...brightest blessings~

  7. She is in my thoughts for a complete and speedy recovery.

  8. we can be so fragile in this life~
    my heart, prayers and vitality are with you all.

  9. sorry about your friend but i will send healing energy her way.

  10. Just want to pause to say THANK YOU all for your sweet words, intentions, prayers and energy. It all helped.

    My friend as well as is the other party involved both are on the mend. I spoke to my friend today and she was in remarkably high spirits. I'll be visiting her soon with a pot of simmering healing and lots of Love.

    I am blessed to have friends who seek and see and work with the light that is found in darkness. She is one. As are you.

    Ashe. Ashe.


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