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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Space for New Blossoms

Every three-to-five years I have what I can only call a business gather, and so it was this past Monday. I was blessed to share several hours with some wonderful friends who have played various roles within my “professional” life over the years, each one of them a healing peer. The time that we shared yielded over three pages of brainstorming ideas that may be applied to my business strategies and plans over the coming years. I’m still mulling over the list to sort, prioritize and add definition.

This is one of those activities that reminds me of the gratitude I still hold for the fifteen years suffered in the corporate world.

Three-plus pages of ideas can be daunting. Yet one thing I’ve learned about such an overwhelming result is …

To choose one thing and act on it. Best that it be something small, a well-defined baby step, something to execute quickly.

This creates momentum.

Momentum for the next baby step. And before you know it you’re acting on a good idea each and every day. And before you know it life's new little blossoms are blooming in ways you never imagined.



  1. Thank you for your words they helped remind me to take things one at a time. I have a hard time doing this. :)

  2. Gratitude, baby steps & momentum ... wonderful stuff. Thanks for the reminders!

  3. Oh, what a wonderful day. I think we all took something with us to start a few bay steps of our own.


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