Get to Know me ...

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Bless me readers for I have slacked. It has been five days since my last blog post. :)
I have been enjoying hibernation - in my own way - and taking a break from daily posts have been a part of that. After all, I've been blogging pretty darn steady since December 29, 2004. So I deserve a break from time to time, don't you think?
Nevertheless, I've been busy making things. In these past five days have:
  • Taught myself Tunisian crochet
  • Cooked, served and ate a beef heart (local and pasture-fed) for a first time experience
  • Played with inks and some very vibrant colors, another new experience
  • Completed several journal pages
  • Started painting some of the summer-made jewelry
  • Put some plans into action
  • Updated some stuff for our May Forest Folk camping event
  • Browsed through art books for ideas and inspiration
  • Shared time with my heathen friends for our monthly discussion group
  • Put away much of the holiday decorations, leaving out some seasonal color and light
  • Managed paperwork, some tax prep, laundry, cooking and other assorted housekeeping tasks
  • Sipped coffee, tea and tonight (this week's "Friday" night) cocktails
So even though I've been quiet here, I've making ... all sorts of things!


  1. yes take time off when it feels right! It has been 7 days off for me. Busy doing 'other' things. Lovely to have you back.

  2. We all need a break from time to time but it sounds like you were pretty busy. Like what you've made.

  3. Sounds like you have been busy. Lovely crafts...

  4. I love the things you have made. And less you for feeling you need to justify a little break! We are human and if it ecomes a chore does it give the same pleasure?

    I posted your parcel on Monday so it should reach you very soon :)

  5. Yes, you definitely deserve time off! Sounds like you were very busy during your down time too!

  6. You are already so Blessed but I will send you more any time my friend ;)

  7. Thanks all - for your sweet comments (you know I love them!). A little holiday from even the best of Medicine is not without some benefit or lesson - and sometimes it just feels "good" and "right." :) Peace.

  8. Sometimes we just need a break for all the other things that occupy our time!

    Glad to see you posting, though :O)

  9. Hope you enjoyed your break... your work is beautiful!!


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!