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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Request for You

Greetings my fine bloggish friends! I have a request for you and I really hope that you are inspired to respond in some way, any way - large or small. You see, even as the snow still falls, I am tilling my springtime fields and need a little ... oh, let's just say - manure from you!

You may know that I'm an herbalist/healer-type and that I teach classes and workshops locally, and you probably already know that I weave creative expression into my healing "arts" and love to share that with others. If you don't, you can learn a little more about these things here.

Over the past couple of years more than a few folk who are not local to me - and even a few that are - have asked about distance workshops and classes, mostly in the realm of herbalism and healing (specifically "art as a healer"). So here I am - again ... toying with the prospect of offering online classes and simmering the ideas of what to offer and how - at least initially. So, here's where I want your help, your input ...

If I were to offer an online/distance learning opportunity - with some capacity to interact with me *and* others who are also learning/exploring/growing ... what would you like to see?

To be a bit more succinct ... I'm here. You're there. What can I share with you to add some value to your life?

Make sense?

Let me know, will you? Leave a comment here, and feel free to piggy-back off of each other's ideas if you like. Of course, you may contact me directly if you prefer.

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas - I really am!

Ashe. Peace.


  1. For me, I'd love to learn more about making tinctures and herbal remedies! You inspired me to learn more and make my own, but I'd love to really expand the limited knowledge that.

  2. for someone like me who's not aware of exactly what herbal healing is, I think starting off by a brief intro would be great!! Then in the interaction aspect.. I think maybe a student forum would be excellent! Thus with someone like me who's at the other side of the pond can still read/learn/ask while majority of US is asleep...

  3. How to grow, when to plant, when to harvest, and how to store herbs. The basics at first. Maybe starting this spring with growing, fertilizers, companion planting, etc... Then moving through the seasons with what you do in your garden and how you prepare your herbs for harvest etc... Set it up into the four seasons and what you do in each. that way we can work with you in our own herb gardens.

  4. Hmm I'll think more on this but the thing that comes to mind instantly is plant identification. Probably because I was so blown away by your abilities at the Weed walk at FF. I would love to learn to do that.

    I'm always looking to expand my herbal knowledge. Even learning things I know already from a different perspective.

  5. It'd be neat to learn about herb gardening - that's something I always wanted to do but failed a few times.

    If it's a small group, something like a Skype conference call might be fun. You can voice chat and IM at the same time. That way you can send links and pictures for everyone to see in the chatroom real-time, as you're talking. The transcript could then be copied and pasted for later reference.

    Just a suggestion! :)

  6. For me it would be a little of what everyone is saying. :)

  7. Herbal remedies 101 is what I'd be looking for.. since I'm in Learning & Development by trade, here are what I'd call the objectives:
    1. What is Herbalism? A brief history.
    2. Plant identification/Harvesting
    3. Teas,Infusions,Tinctures, salves, ointments.. what's the difference and why you need to know
    4. Basic Recipes (choose 10 ailments)
    5. Action plan and Next Steps

    Homework, application assignments, etc.. would be nice for us kinesthetic learners.
    Thanks so much!

  8. I would like to learn how to make tinctures, salves, lotions (cream) and herbal remedies.

  9. you are receiving some wonderful ideas in these comments! I find myself leaning in every time you mention your brews, that is medicine, right;-}

  10. Wow!

    Thank you all for the fab input - I really appreciate it. Some are ideas I already have on the Slate of Potential and I see some fresh ideas as well.

    Seems that 2010 is a year for brainstorming and receiving brilliant ideas from brilliant folk - thanks again!

    Now ... back to my scheduled appointment with the heating pad and a hot cuppa good medicine ... been shoveling very heavy snow today and my body is whining. :)

    Keep 'em comin'!

  11. I am very interested in the "old ways" of using herbs for different healing instead of modern medicine. The few things I know do work so I would like to learn more. So many books now do not have details-afraid of a lawsuit? I don't know but I want recipes!

  12. hmmm... I consider myself lucky that I came come to your home and learn from you in person... I don't think it would be the same online for me... although your style of like us to do it and figure it out for ourselves - which I love and learn better from - is definitely something to be shared on line.

  13. Hi Rose! I think what I would be interested in is "beginning ropes" so to speak. Not knowing all that much a "101 Class" would be great. I know it was mentioned above, but wanted to leave my little comment for you. I love your posts and am learning new things everyday!

  14. I would love to see something that included information on growing/harvesting, treatment information, and techniques for producing tinctures, oils, and lotions.

    Please keep us posted -- I would love to be able to take your class!

  15. i think everyones idea's are great please keep me posted i am very interested :)

  16. I would be interested in anything you thought was important that you use in your life. Peace.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'm definately going to chime in and agree with the gardening part. It would be really cool to discuss herb gardening and share the fruits of our labor with photos to each other. Hopefully I'll be more successful this year. I won't let the aphids ruin it for me this time.

  19. YES! An online course about herbs and what to do with them, aka tinctures and herbal remedies, would be fantastic!! Specifically what kinds of herbs to grow, harvesting and storage tips, apothecary supplies, how to manage the apothecary space itself, what to make with the herbs, all that good stuff. Broad overview at first with more detailed focused info later on. I so admire what you do and frankly I would feel confident learning from you because it's what you do in your own life. You are not just turning pages of a book, and teaching from the book, you are living it and loving it personally. Would love to soak up some of your expertise. I enjoy growing comfrey, mint, chammomile, hyssop and culinary herbs but sometimes end up now knowing what to do with the sheer abundance... So I vote yes on the class idea. Brava!! Bonnie

  20. Can't add much to all the wonderful suggestions. I'm interested in all of the above, especially herb gardening.

  21. Again, thanks SO FREAKIN' MUCH - I have a lot to consider, organize, prioritize, match-up to workshops and classes I offered - Wow! - and then ... act on!

    I really appreciate each and every one of you making the effort to leave a comment. If you think of anything else, feel free to come back and leave it here.


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!