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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Return

I've been away from my little acre this past week and it feels so good to be home. I was met with enthusiastic greetings from all my home-based loved ones, the two-legged, the four-legged, the rooted ones ... and then some. This return reminded me of at least one reason why the color of love is green. Peace.


  1. Home is always best. No matter how much fun it is to go...coming home feels soooo good.

  2. It is nice to go away, but always wonderful to return home.

  3. It's always wonderful to come home and be welcomed back by everything around you. Perhaps that explains why green is my favorite color.

  4. The embrace of coming home is the best feeling!

  5. Welcome home!!!!! Big hug!

  6. I was gone last week too. Home, in my case, Woodloft, is a glorious place to be. I agree.


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