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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grape Leaves

I thought I'd shift gears a bit to share with you a few of my newest jewelry pieces. I took several tiny grape leaf imprints this past spring when they were just emerging. I create these pieces in layers, sometimes over an entire season or two - like these. If you like, you can see these and more at my ArtFire studio.

I have more pins in the works and necklace pendants to follow. I want to do more "Impressions of Nature" clay ACEOs too, since they were so well received last year. I better order more clay!



  1. I LOVE them... so earthy and fresh!

  2. These are beautiful -- they look like etched stone more than clay. Nice job!

  3. Those are really cool! I like the hint of gold on the stems and veins, and that's saying something because I'm not a gold fan.

  4. Love the gold accents on these pieces.

  5. Oh, I love these, they are gorgeous. I especially like the second one. I'll check out your shop.

  6. stone made the simple leaves into the unforgettable artworks. Thank you for the soul evoking works. I was helped to look underfoot more attentively and thus raised up my eyes. Art by Tomas sends best wishes to you: I am glad to think about you as my friend-the beloved teacher. Thank you.

  7. these turned out beautiful, I love your style.

  8. These are really cool. I have never seen this done with clay. Is it polymer clay? I would love to know more about how you do this. I have a few poly clay tutorials on my site, and am going to add a new one each week. Stop by sometime. I am following you now. Have a great day.


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