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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Harvest of Sunshine

Today I harvested more calendula flowers - enough for another two quarts of infused oil. This year I'm infusing many of my herbals in organic coconut oil. I love coconut oil and find it a great addition as well as standalone for many of my herbal skincare projects. Last year I made a calendula soap that I fell in love with and I plan to make more, so the six or so quarts of calendula oil I have going now will position me for many a bar. Many for me! Some for gifts! And, perhaps, some to sell. We shall see.

I love the sticky, resinous feel and fresh, green scent that harvesting calendula leaves on my fingers. I love how summer's sunshine can be coaxed into bottles and jars, balms and salves, soaps and creams, skin sprays and tinctures. Not to mention meads and ales.

Since I was harvesting the verve and light of summer I figured a simple spray of sunflowers deserved a spot of honor on my dining table. As it is, so shall it be.

That's what I made today. All under the watch of August's Dark Moon. Peace.


  1. Heavenly soap and
    Beautiful blossoms!!

    I had a cut that wouldn't
    heal till I put coconut
    oil on it. Healed it right

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  2. I think it's really nice to live in your place.Everything is fresh and natural.

  3. SO lovely! I'm jealous of those gorgeous flowers!! Wish mine looked that good!

  4. ah the bounties of summer. I really enjoy coconut oil also.

  5. Oh my goodness- what gorgeous sunflowers !

  6. That's quite an amazing picture of the inside of the calendula flower.
    As I said before, I am so envious of your sunflowers. Absolutely enchanting.

  7. those sunflowers are so pretty! i wish they were on my dining table.

    found you on etsy forums, hope you'll come visit me too!

  8. Calendula and coconut oil sound delicious!

    You should check out to list some of your stuff - it's free!

  9. My reading tells me that you can drink coconut oil as a way to combat psoriasis. Looking into it!


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