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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tomatoey Goodness

Seventy pounds of tomatoes from a local farm offered me puree to enjoy at least one tomatoey meal every week for half a year. Even though I still have more from this batch to process, I would love to score another seventy pounds of these beautiful, organic fruits to cover a full fifty-two-plus weeks. We shall see …

That's what I made today. Peace.


  1. Yum! That's what I need to do tomorrow too.

  2. I'm impressed. When I was a kid, mom and I canned 101 quarts of tomatoes from dad's garden one year. What a job!

  3. Damn...that's epic! I commend you. Must have been a lot of work.

  4. 70 pounds? wow that's a lot of tomatoes! i can't imagine how much work that is... :)

  5. Won't be long before we will be stuck with the store bought kind. You'll be having fun pasta nights this winter with your precious jars of puree. They look magical all lined up.

  6. This looks amazing! I would love to have those jars tucked away in the pantry. Good job!

  7. my goodness girl, you must have so much energy, I bow to you and I drool over all the good meals to come.

  8. Wow! That's a lot of tomatoes! What a great way to save them though.

  9. WOW!!!!!!!!! What a great great gift...and HEALTHY!!!!

  10. that will taste so good in the middle of winter...a taste of summer in the mouth.

  11. Wow you are so inspiring! 70 lbs! Boy the thought of the smell in your kitchen made me start daydreaming! I'll be over to help you eat those. :) Tomatoes = one of my favorite things! I can't go 2 days w/o one of some sort.


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