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Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Modest Step Up

My new camera arrived this afternoon. It's a modest step up from my old one. The battery latch on my old Coolpix L15 was busted, so that if I didn't hold it just right they'd fall out. You can't take photos when the batteries are around your feet. Needless to say I unpacked the parts, made sure they were all there, got the battery charging, the software installed and set to reading the manual. And I pulled the veggies out to at least pretend to be getting dinner ready.

Once the battery was charged I had to test the process. I took a couple photos with my sweet, new Coolpix P80 and attempted the import. It had started to drizzle, so I took shots of my computer screen and the rest was a snap. That's what you see here, my computer screen. Silly, huh?

What can I tell you? It's the little things in life. Now … I'm really gonna make some dinner.



  1. I am so glad you posted what type of camera that you take your beautiful shots with. I have wondered that for so long. I want a new camera and have been looking at Nikon. Saving my money and when I sell something it goes into the camera fund. I'll bet you will be relieved not to hold the battery door closed anymore.
    : )

  2. I was so sad when my semi decent camera got ruined, I bought a different one but forgot to check for image stablization. Now I just use my crappy iphone camera :( someday, Ill be cool like you

  3. Ha! I hold my battery flappy thing shut felt so bad for me she loaned me hers for the cruise! Suppose it's time to break down and get a new one too!


    Even if it is one of those Nikon things, LOL!

    But I see that your computer is a Mac... so I'll "forgive" you! ;-)

  5. @GypsyGoods - I don't care what anyone (Vin) says - it's not the camera, it's the photographer that makes a great photo. :)

    @K - you *are* cool!

    @Divaeva - Your mother loves you. :)

    @Brizel - thank you sweetie!

    @Vin - I accept your (unnecessary) absolution. LOL! And yeah - my MacDaddy rOcKs! :D

  6. hello..first time coming by.. interesting blog you have here..

  7. yea a new camera and already took photos, this is no little thing. Have a grand time shooting!

    I saw some arnica still blooming the other day, was surprised, as I haven't seen them for quite a while. You know I thought of you.

  8. Yay for your new camera! I use a coolpix too. Have fun with it.

  9. That actually is an awesome shot of your computer screen. Normally taking shots of a computer screen come out blurry so your new camera is pretty cool.

  10. Thanks again everyone. I've been taking my time getting to know all the settings through the manual and - more so - through my own experience. It's been fun, when I can fit it in!

    And no kiddin' Poetic Shutterbug - it was hit-r-miss shot, I just took the pic and hoped for the best! :)


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