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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nono's Hot Peppers

Today I made a jar of my grandmother's hot peppers. I love these little ringlets and put them on just about everything - pasta, pizza, vegetables, salad, Italian bread, breakfast eggs, and so on. They are a delicious and simple honor to a maternal grandparent.

I slice fresh cayenne peppers into small rings (any hot pepper will work, by the way), place them in a colander and salt them so that excess water from the peppers can sweat and drain for just a couple-few hours. Then I slice some fresh, garden garlic and get my dried oregano down off the herb shelf. I put a slice or two of garlic in the bottom of a glass jar, add a pinch of oregano and then a layer of the peppers, about an inch or so. I sprinkle a little salt on the peppers and continue to layer these until all the peppers are in. Then I pour extra virgin olive oil in the jar until the peppers are completely covered. I usually leave this on the kitchen counter for a couple, few hours at room temperature before placing the jar into the refrigerator.

These aren't keepers, though they do get better as the days go by, and the oil is fantastic! Even so, no matter how big of a jar I make I always finish them before they even have a chance to start thinking about going bad.

That's what I made today. Peace.


  1. Beautiful!

    I absolutely LOVE peppers! :-)

  2. Your pics always make me hungry for fresh food!

  3. Thanks for sharing how you make your hot peppers. I love peppers, and I never know what to do with all of them.

    Your picture is great too!


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