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Friday, October 29, 2010

Pleasure in Memories

I was traveling last week, visiting my mom, and while I was there I made more doodles in my art journal. I also reviewed past entries and discovered some from July that begged for color, like this one of her hutch. Today I finished adding color to it. One thing I love about the ink doodles in my art journals is that I get to revisit each one and add fanciful color - or not - and when I do I take such pleasure in the childhood memories of meditative time and space invested in coloring books.



  1. I love the color silhouette style - it really draws me in with delight :)

  2. Love this...the colors and warmth remind me of home!

  3. Very inviting. Love the colors! Like Fiesta ware. :)

  4. The colors and shapes are so basic... It's a very comforting image.

  5. Your journal page is lovely! The colors and the warmth and the love just radiates from it. Theresa

  6. Finally made the time to enjoy your entries. I find them to be a tonic to relaxing. Peace to you too, Gracie

  7. journaling and coloring really is a lovely meditation.

    I hope you had a lovely day celebrating your life.



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