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Friday, December 3, 2010

A Best Effort

I made this the other day …
… before the sickness crept in and took hold.

An apple pie with a half-whole-wheat butter crust. While it could have baked for another ten minutes or so to fully cook the apples, it still came out pretty good. I was glad I made this "practice" pie, because it gave me something to give to my goddesschild before she returned to the west coast. I'm so glad I got to see her, brief though it was, and offer her a still-warm from-scratch apple pie. She is a beautiful, remarkable, intelligent, compassionate, witty and talented being. I'm grateful to have her in my life.

So, that's what I didn't make today.

As for today … I'm simply making a best effort to get myself well again. Peace.


  1. Mmmmm...what a delicious looking pie. Hope you are feeling much better soon.

  2. Beautiful pie...looks wonderful...

  3. That pie DOES look delicious. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Your pie is gorgeous! Here's hoping you feel better soon!

  5. Feel better!

    Lovely pie...

    Glad you had a nice visit too!

  6. Looks delish! I'll have to try adding some whole wheat to my crusts.

  7. That is a delicious looking pie. Hope that you're feeling better

  8. I started drooling as soon as the pic popped up.. I bet it tastes even better. Thanks for sharing. Feel better!

  9. I also began drooling... looks DIVINE !
    Get better soon !!!

  10. This pie looks delicious! I'm sure it was fantastic!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog ... it's nice to have you! Nice to meet you too!


  11. Thanks everyone! I'll be making another apple pie tomorrow and that one will likely be even better!


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